Professional Development

Shameless Treatment to Challenge Imposter Syndrome

It might be feeling out of place or unprepared for a task. Imposter Syndrome is real and it is something all professionals contend with.

I believe everyone experiences some level of Imposter Syndrome at several different points in their careers. It could be just a feeling of being out of place. Maybe it’s a delegated task that you feel you have no business being involved in or being offered a promotion simply because of your actions. Both of these scenarios can spark self-doubt, commonly called imposter syndrome. Treating imposter syndrome takes effort but it doesn’t need to be something you don’t immediately want to take on!

Let’s walk through 3 great ways to shamelessly tackle the challenges of self-doubt together!

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Great Project Managers are the official Mortar of Engineering

Being a great project manager means you need to be the mortar that holds your team together. You are vital to your company's success.

The strength of a masonry wall depends on various factors, including the type of masonry material used (e.g., brick, concrete block, stone), the quality of the construction, and design considerations. Generally, a well-constructed masonry wall can resist the highest load and stress. Mortar is the material that holds the individual masonry units together. In an engineering firm, Project Managers are the mortar of all engineering projects.

Great Project Managers are the official Mortar of Engineering Read More »

Engage and Empower Staff while Improving your Systems

6 steps of a Project Debriefing

The 6 steps of a Project Debrief are purposefully designed to help the team members share their experiences, challenges, and emotions. Through factual discussion and the sharing of different perspectives, the program is intended to identify and resolve issues while recognizing and acknowledging successes. A willingness to adapt and improve your systems is vital. A willingness to engage and empower your staff to improve opens doors of opportunity.

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Todd Burrier: How His 3 Circles Changed My Life

In the fall of 2018, I began Leadership Carroll, a professional learning course provided by the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce. The first two days of the course are at a retreat focused on team building and personal development as a leader. The second day of the workshop-style sessions literally changed my life forever: Because was introduced to Mr. Todd Burrier.

Todd Burrier: How His 3 Circles Changed My Life Read More »

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